The first time I heard this word, in the mid-2000s, I was teaching at a university in New York. I wasn't sure I understood and laughed, thinking it was a joke. A co-worker was so immersed in Latin than I was that I used it bluntly during our conversation, and I had to ask him to explain it after I had done two things. It soon became clear that this was no joke. Latinx is becoming an official language on popular college campuses, popular among academics, progressives, young people and LGBTQ members who want a gender-neutral language and woman. (In Spanish, words ending in "O" are masculine and those ending in "a" are feminine. When talking about a mixed group, most words end with a male "O", so replacing the letter with an "X" avoids homophobia.) whatsapp-plus-apk-latest- version-for-android-free/ https:// incredible-benefits-of- landscape-designs-for-your- home/ https://theinscr...